这个链接是一个答题页面要答对关于 JetBrains 的几个问题,还有 1 分钟限时,在有 Google 帮助的情况下我做了快 10 遍才通过…
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
You chose wisely.
Almost there! The last challenge is in the Tips of the Day of a specific IntelliJ IDEA Community version from our latest build page in Confluence, but… there is a catch. You have to know which version to look for. To find the build number, you need sight beyond sight:
. Not Everything Today Does All You Could Ask. Lessons Learned From Other Relevant Solutions, Possibly Even Another Kind Emerge. Risking Sometimes Being Liberal Or Generous Proves Ordinary Simple Tests Infinitely More Annoying. Get Examining Hidden Initial Designated Early Symbols. They Have Everything Needed, Except Xerox, To Completely Level Up Everything.